Lubao International Balloon Festival (March 2015)

A few days ago, my family decided to go out-of-town since we won’t have the chance to do so during the holy week because of church activities. My sister suggested to go and visit the International Balloon Festival in Pradera, Padre Siongco in Lubao, Pampanga for the sake of our two adorable babies since that will definitely be a sight to them (yeah, to us as well ;))

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Herchel tries to blog!

Hello there! Welcome to my world! *hugs*

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Here’s my attempt at blogging 🙂 I’m not a good writer so please spare me! I just thought that maybe my opinions would be able to help someone surfing this wonderful invention called the internet *winks*

People tend to think I’m a snob but I’m not so if something interests you, I’ll be more than glad to answer your comments. Thank you so much and enjoy reading!

PS: To those who read backwards (starting from the most recent to the oldest post) CONGRATULATIONS ON REACHING MY VERY FIRST POST!! Hihi :”> Please continue to read my blog. Thank you soooo much!